Too much Way, it's up to you to choose the RIGHT fuckin' Way..

just my ordinary blog and my first own blog.. try to be a blogger..

A man come to the teacher, "Teacher, I was bored of life. It is truly saturated. Households me fall apart. My works perplexed. Whatever I do is always untidy. I want to die."

The Teacher smiled, "Oh, you sick." "No Teacher, I'm not sick. I'm healthy. Only saturated with life. That's why I want to die."

Seems to have heard the defense, the Teachers' forward, "You sick. that is called, 'Allergies Living'. Yes, you are allergic to
of life. "

Many of us are allergic to life. Then, we unconsciously do things that conflict with the norms of life. Life goes on. River of life continue, but we want the status-quo. We stopped in place, we will not participate. That's why we fall ill. We invite disease. Our resistance, our refusal to join with the flow
life make us sick.

The business, must have plug-reflux. In the settle-stairs, a small cannon-cannon is indeed reasonable, ordinary. Friendship is not always eternal, not eternal. What is the eternal, the eternal in this life? We do not realize the nature of life. We want to maintain a situation. Then we fail, disappointment and suffering.

"Your disease can be cured, provided you are willing and want to recover
follow my instructions. "said the teacher.

"No teacher, no. I have truly saturated. No, I do not want to live." the man refused the offer teachers.

"So you do not want to recover. You truly want to die?" "Yes, indeed I was bored of life."

"Good, tomorrow evening you will die. Take this medicine bottles. Half drunk bottle this evening, half a bottle again tomorrow afternoon six hours, eight hours and the night you will die quietly."

Turn her into confusion. Every teacher that he go for this is always working to give the spirit to live. This one is strange. He even offers poison.
But, because it is already strongly saturated, he received it with
happy. To the home, he spends half a bottle directly poison called "medicine" by the Teacher is insane. And, he felt the tranquility as he had never felt before.

Once relax, so relax! Stay 1 night, 1 day, and he will die.
He will be free of all kinds of problems. That night, she decided to have dinner with the family restaurant in Japanese resto. Something that had not been doing it for the last few years. Think-think last night, he wanted to leave sweet memories. While eating, he was droll. The atmosphere is relaxed!

Before bed, he kissed his wife's mouth and whisper in her ear,
"Unfortunately, I love you so." Because the night was last night, he would like to
leave sweet memories! Tomorrow up to bed, he opened the window and see the room to the outside. Wind gust morning refreshing the body. And he tempted to do the way the morning.
Return to the half-hour later, he found his wife still asleep. Without wake her up, he entered the kitchen and make a cup of coffee 2. One for himself, one for his wife.
Because the morning was the last morning, he wanted to leave the memories

His wife feel grotesque During this time, I may be wrong. "I am sorry, darling."

In the office, they greet each person, shake hands with every person.
Staff was confused, "Today, our Boss is strange, isn't it?" And attitudes and they immediately changed. They become soft. Because lunch is the last day, he wanted to leave sweet memories!

Suddenly, everything around it changed. He became more friendly and tolerant, even apresiatif of opinions that differ. Suddenly life becomes beautiful.
He began to enjoy them. Return to the 5 pm hour, he found the wife of beloved waiting him in front of the home.

This time the wife would give a kiss to him, "Unfortunately, once again I apologize, if for this I am always making you." The children also did not want to lag, "Dad, forgave us all. During this time, because Daddy always stress our behavior."

Suddenly, the river of life flowing again. Suddenly, life became very beautiful.
He parenthesize intention to suicide. But what about half bottles that are drinking it, the previous evening?

He visited the teacher again. See the face of the man, apparently the teachers to know immediately what has happened, "Discard any vial that. Water contents. You have been healed, if you live with the awareness that death can arrived at any time, then you will enjoy every second of life. through your ego, etc. Be gentle, selembut water. mengalirlah And with the river of life. You will not be saturated, will not be bored. You will feel alive. That is the secret of life. That is the key to happiness. That is the way to tranquility. "

Men are to thank and greet the teacher, then go home, to repeat the experience the night before. They say, life is still the river flows on.
He never forgot to live in awareness. That is, he always happy, always calm, always alive ...


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