Too much Way, it's up to you to choose the RIGHT fuckin' Way..

just my ordinary blog and my first own blog.. try to be a blogger..

Actually ..

Register of sites to search engines Google and Yahoo Search is easy.

Please check on Google and Yahoo whetheryour sites already indexed. Just type your sites name in the search box, in the format [preferably without www], and press the ENTER button or the search. For example: or Look at the results. hahahaha ..

But when your sites not also appear in Yahoo and Google, just register your own. How very easy, and free.

For Google, the list (click ->) Add Your URL to Google. For Yahoo, the list (click ->) Submit to Yahoo. Here, you only need to enter the URL of the main page of your sites, beginning with http://, for example:

The Google and Yahoo do not guarantee your sites will indexed by their start. But from his experience, usually not long after signing up, two-three days, we list the sites that already appear on the page direct their search. Once your sites indexed, the next robot or spider Google and Yahoo will come to a routine to your sites to index the latest posts.

Besides how independent and free like that, there are several services on the Internet that sell the service to register our site to dozens of search engines including Google and Yahoo. They charge, and they often fooling clients that their sites can appear on the first page - the search results order 1 to 10. Should, if my opinion, not the services they need. Yet you can easily register for free and your sites. Moreover the Google and Yahoo already stressed, there is no guarantee a site indexed, especially if a called-can appear in the first order. If you really want situsmu appear in the first, post ads only on Google and Yahoo, your sites will appear always uppermost, that is ... in the ad. : D

Besides Google and Yahoo, there are dozens of other search engines such as Ask, AOL, MSN, etc.. But to sign up with Google and Yahoo actually has more than enough. Because, fact, most people find information via Google and Yahoo, Google and even the two times more than Yahoo. According to comScore data, specifically in the United States only in December 2007, Google is used by 58.4 percent of search, and Yahoo in second with 22.9 percent of consumers, the rest divided by Ask, AOL, etc. to the percentage of each which is very small .

is that so easy?


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