Too much Way, it's up to you to choose the RIGHT fuckin' Way..

just my ordinary blog and my first own blog.. try to be a blogger..

jd agan bisa nantang tmn2 agan buat siapa yg paling cepet nyelesain game ini gan :D

tp cuma bisa di XP gan, ane coba di VISTA ga bisa..


cara nya gini gan :

1. minimize smua program - minimize all windows
2. buka minesweeper nya - open the minesweeper
3. tebak kotak yg isinya bukan bom - choose 1 box that u believe there is not BOMB
4. trs pencet WINDOWS+D gan, itu hotkeys bwt "show desktop" - press WINDOWS+D
5. trs buka lg minesweeper yg td di minimize - restore the minesweeper windows
6. perhatikan waktu nya, ud ga jalan kan? - the clock has stopped right?

ywda tinggal mulai maen deh gan..

klo agan males mikir, ada cheat supaya kita tau dimana mines nya
1. pas waktu nya ud ga jalan, ketik xyzzy
2. pencet tombol shift
3. gerakin mouse kursornya ke kotak2 yg ada di minesweeper
4. liat di ujung kiri atas desktop agan2, ntar ada titik putih kecil
5. klo titik nya putih artinya aman (bukan bom),
6. usahain wallpaper desktop nya warna item/gelap


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